11/12/2012 Action of God through Consciousness and Heart in New Unions

Again I touched on main divine aspect of interaction between God and man with inner and outer world in present.

I was told that at last they deeply realized, why God has created Joining of New Unions. I got surprised and glad at the same time. I have talked about that and write in messages for several years. Therefore, again: the true aim in Joining of divine Unions - to show Love to God, spread His Love through oneself by every Partner.

Become clear instrument in hands of God, to hear Him, act, perform His Will and Service to Him. And this is really graceful Service! When you perform His tasks for joy, welfare of the world and oneself, when you hear the truth of His words, which come as thoughts, and while performing show courage and Knowledge in His Love, man fills with divine joy, feels himself as a creator. But to hear you need to distinguish who is communicating. About this I wrote in the message

To show Love, open Heart by every of Partner, not using this energy by one of the Partner. These are old distorted actions of the system. Every of Partners by showing love to God, connects with the Higher Self and both Potential increases multiply together and by alone. Thus Potential increases multiply and creates surprisingly beautiful space of Love of God for creation, for divine development. I want to point, the potential - is not withdrawal of energy from others by various technologies and manipulations, not manipulating of consciousness of others for own purposes, seemingly for salvation, but open Heart for God. When man opens Heart and reconnects with Spirit, plenty of energy appears, it flows into You in plenty for fruitful Service to God.

It is not ascent of joyful emotions, that then bring descent in a state of body. This is graceful creation, performing of tasks of Higher Self - God, bringing inner contentment, graceful divine Action, as for man, his health and situations, so for society in connections of interconnections. Get into these phrases again, and you'll feel difference of action from mind and Action from Heart, Higher Self. Only then feeling of all divine fullness of nature and destiny of man - creator appears. But not while performing from mind without open Heart of various multiple methods and technologies. Combination of Male (Consciousness) and Female (Love) bring reveal from old. And as for a long time Male was dominating, thus at first you should made an intention for opening Heart and make Actions to this Process.

True Man - it is not who takes Woman's energy, but shows It within, opens Heart, without cunning and manipulation. Filling and interaction happens mutually in creation and Service. No one turns no one to Light and Love, every one acts by oneself, opens oneself to God and then Wonders will come.

Gradually people on Earth will come to this understanding. You need only be in this state for several times and then no one will turn you away from the Path, imposing various types of manipulations through Knowledge.

Recently calling to God Sai I asked Him only that Partner which will be near had this understanding and loved Him as much as I do. Only then harmonious relationships in Union can come true and make good Action for Earth. Only then with Joining of one Couple immense divine changes in society will come. It is what system afraids but their power has come to end. Sometimes you don't understand because they already know about it. That would be useful for them not doing harm but renew without cunning and thus making own Service before grand changes come on Planet and universe.

Action of Spirit of Mother of World is getting its power in further renewals, purification of space and etc. in Service to God for further Transition into Golden future. This is the action that all representatives of system were afraid of and distorted, made obstacles in various manner. But lord Sai didn't let this happen, He's got His own Plan. Spirit of Mother of World mercilessly takes away from the Path all selfish intentions of system and various representatives.

You can made an intention for actioning of your Spirit through your Heart. Place Spirit in Heart, dissolve imposed thoughts and fears and you'll immediately feel relief. Just say: "My Spirit, enter spiritual Heart, let Him open for Service in grace of God, as for me so for humanity! Dissolve all obstacles, fears for performing what is intended by Lord through me".

Surely some people get frustrated and misunderstood with the messages, thus I asked in the page "Information for visitors" to visit the site only those people that truly wants to open Heart, be with God, perform Service for Him. It is the most great joy, only then man acquires true happiness, only then he becomes creator. Try to get into meaning of these phrases. Not a batch of technologies and methods but Serving and open Heart.

I believe that many of living will realize the only truth - opening of Heart and Service to God! How beautiful the world will be and life of every being in beautiful plenty of graceful with Gifts Earth! So it is and so it will be!

Today started Action in Service by Will of God in transformation of critters plane in consciousness and hearts of humanity that moved beyond the information field of Earth into universe.

I entered zero space of God and from the level of Mother of World in creation with Trinity Union by Action of the Spirit infinite quantity of golden arrows with downward spiral were released. Immediately Transformation of God and His support began. I won't describe all the Process, everyone can act by itself, God is always near. This divine Process is in the structure of permanent Action and continues till full transformation and release. It happens harmoniously. In past, present and future on all planes of being, dimensions, realities with divine speed, so it is and so it will be!

This also concerned all interactions of man with nature in all its variety.

You can express intention to accept this Action personally, then healing will come in more harmonious way.

Let all beings live happily in all the worlds!

With Love of God in Iternal Creation of Love space on Earth in all the worlds for everyone.

Evening, 10/12/12

Evening, 10/12/12

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