

In the middle of June Sathya Sai all of a sudden immediately invited and showed the date of flight on 21 June.
In the beginning of July the book was blessed by Him already in physical aspect.
It was the most wonderful month in my life and the most surprising birthday as well.
At this arrival I've got so much of His Love, Grace, Care and Attention, that it couldn't be expressed in words, rather you can't find such words which could be used to describe all feelings, gratitude and Love to Him and from Him.
Also by the account of a work, that Sathya Sai gave me, I want to mention one fact. Many people now have faced to work on their past on physical plane. This appears in a way of strange obscure painful feelings, or in situations. Past - is our present and future. Many people know this. The battle of old energies with new ones is going now. But why should it be? You can just work this out with the Creator's technologies. And Love! Always tune your soul on Love and Joy of everlasting development.
In the library of ashram I come on small book "The Prophesy. Advent. The Message." publisher "Amrita Rus", 2006. I think this saying explains a lot. Citation from book: «Somebody asked Him: "How come you cure so many incurable diseases?" Baba replied: "This happens not always. I feel own presence in heart of every living being: I'm present there, regardless of its will. I'm in a heart of every living creature. That is why I love everyone, for, in a certain sense, I love Myself. If I feel this and if someone response to Me a same way and loves Me, then streams meet, My love and his love flows one into another: merging happens. And then healing occurs. When there's no response to love, there's no healing».

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