03/01/2012 Changes in 2012


And yet, what changes are coming this year?

The fact that this year is the happiest - there is no doubt about it. It will be calm and happy for people who are on the way to the truth. And the truth - it is God, God - is Love. So for many this year will bring new discoveries in the Mind and Hearts. In place of sadness and disappointment in mind comes peace and calm, despite the many events taking place of duality. Duality still holds the mind of humanity. But, seeing that other people are at Peace, they will gradually come to think and reflect.

Some leaders will get tired of the "struggle", people will see that there are other peaceful ways.

People aware of their true responsibility, will express their rights and solve urgent problems in a peaceful way and with Love. This will be followed with yet a slight, but still improving human welfare in the world.

From the early days the space of love has been expanding, many will feel the negative energy, expressed with a discomfort in the body. This will lead to reflection and awareness that aggression should not be responded with aggression.

There will be many discoveries in science, based on the spiritual based development of a person in the world.

It will be thought seriously about the environment and more steps will be taken for changing in purity of the environment.

Many will be aware that a doomsday - it's a beginning of New Era of Love and building a Space of Love on Planet. This will also change the thinking of mankind to a thinking of joy and creation.

Those souls who are not prepared and do not want to take part in the wonderful Divine Project, will leave earthly bodies. How many of them it can hardly be predicted. It all depends on how many of us, each one will radiate Love, forgive all, releasing offenders in mind, and realizing that everyone around is a teacher. With Love and gratitude for lessons we give them into the hands of their Supreme Divine I without advices and instructions.

Some souls, who showed self-sacrifice in these Times, will return for continued participation in the construction of the Golden Future.

Someone, having realized the greatness of an ambitious Project, will join in and find own place there and joy in Creation.

Someone - will leave bad habits and will revise personal attitude to life, including depression and frustration.

Someone - become to a healthy living and thinking, and this will be followed with improvement and rejuvenation of the body as a whole.

Disclosure of Consciousness of individuals will also have a favorable help to others.

But the most surprising, people will gradually realize that fleeting worldly pleasures - it is not the main in human life, most importantly - are development of soul and comprehension Wisdom of Love. This will followed by return of wealth, which some have taken as a personal property from people. People who give back wealth, will experience great joy and liberation in their own mind and soul.

New Divine Postulates went smoothly and operate on the earthly plane, claiming Happy New Reality on the Planet in all spheres of human activity and in all worlds.

And, of course, this year brings new encounters and connections with Beloved to Serve in joy and Love.

Human consciousness will perceive positive prophecies that will lead to a significant reduction of various disasters. In March 12, 2010 I was a member of the project that changes prophecies. Creator revealed a world map, and all the hot spots were transformed into Light and Love in His technology. He then turned the map upside down, and the same action were made. The rest of what is happening is caused by artificial means. How can we help the planet? - Think positively.

Certainly, the changes in the consciousness of humanity will affect all aspects of human interaction in the world, with peace in all areas of life.

This is a summary of changes in the new year 2012.

Everything that is written is already happening and will happen more. How much qualitatively and volumetrically, it depends on us. Dare, Meet, Love, Enjoy Life in all variety of creation Happy Joyful Being. So be it and so it will be!


With Love in Action of Creation Space of Love

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