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May 12, 2012, Ukraine
End of May, 2012, Ukraine
Ukraine, june 1-20, 2012 Here are rapid changes happened on Earth in 20 days.
Another increasing of Earth Vibrations has come from June 21 – 23, 2012. Here you can see that Love (Female) entered earth plane. That is, fifth dimension is becoming reality for most of terrestrials. Around the Sun there were spiral curves as on photoshots of Universe or a Galaxy. And on the edge on both sides rainbows (Love) are seen.
16/09/12 Ukraine. New energies.
31/10/12 Ukraine. New energies.
India, 13-22/01/2013
The Abode of God, february 2013
04/03/2013 Further vibration increasing of the planet. Energies of Spirit of World Mother.
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